Comment Wang-Fô fut sauvé by Marguerite Yourcenar
Condition : good
Voici l'histoire de Wang-Fô, le fameux peintre chinois. Il parcourait le royaume des Han en compagnie de Ling, son fidèle disciple, à la recherche de nouveaux paysages. Ses tableaux étaient si beaux qu'on les disait magiques. Mais un jour, l'empereur convoqua le vieux maître pour le menacer d'un terrible châtiment... Un conte merveilleux qui allie la poésie de Marguerite Yourcenar à l'art de Georges Lemoine.
Here is the story of Wang-Fô, the famous Chinese painter. He traveled the kingdom of Han in the company of Ling, his faithful disciple, in search of new landscapes. His paintings were so beautiful that they were said to be magical. But one day, the emperor summoned the old master to threaten him with a terrible punishment... A wonderful tale that combines the poetry of Marguerite Yourcenar with the art of Georges Lemoine.
42 pages, Folio cadet, Softcover